Wednesday 11 March 2020

Kangaroo Island, Australia – March 11

early morning wine tasting
Clear, 25 degrees

Kangaroo Island isn’t just named that it is that…we saw them… KANGAROOS! Not just one or two kangaroos, multiple kangaroos! Some lazing, some hopping, some eating, most ignoring. They are by far the most interesting when then are moving, hopping especially.

Before we encountered the
kangaroos, we had a wine tasting. By now my expectations for wine tastings are low, maybe this is why I enjoyed today’s tasting more than others, or maybe it’s just because it was good. We still didn’t get to see the vines (the winery isn’t actually located at the same place as the vines) but the person who hosted the tasting was engaging and gave us plenty of info. When we were finished tasting, we had plenty of time to roam a bit on their property
gazing out to the ocean. This is a gorgeous location – high above the ocean.

The Australian coast is becoming more and more appealing to me.  Maybe it is becoming more beautiful as we make our way west, maybe it’s the combination of ruggedness before the white sand that becomes clear blue water…or maybe it’s because I’m just seeing more of it…who knows???

The kangaroos were waiting for us at the next stop…a lighthouse. The lighthouse wasn’t
much to look at, but the kangaroos sure were. We wandered around for about half an hour just gawking at them. There’s a wire fence around the lighthouse apparently to keep the kangaroos out, but they found a way in and then out again.

If the kangaroos weren’t enough visual stimulation, we next visited a secluded national park beach. Other
than one family, we were the only people there. The water was cool, but the sand was soft, white and clean.
Chris 'networking'
great beach, and I'm not even a beach lover

Penneshaw is the actual town we
could spend some serious time here...
are anchored off of where there are a few places for lunch and a few shops. We picked the pub for a couple of pints and some fish and chips.

Today, or yesterday Calgary time, was Chris’ monthly ‘networking session’. He was able to Facetime into them using the ferry terminal’s wifi while we were waiting for our tender.

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