Wednesday 26 July 2023

July 26 – Day at Sea, Atlantic Ocean en route to Canary Islands

home for the next week
Weather – windy (as expected at sea), warmish, 21º (enough to sit at the pool in the shade) little humidity (not enough to condense on my mimosa)

Steps – 6,650 (more than the day before and we didn’t step foot on land)

It is better to travel west rather than east, to travel back in time through times zones rather than into the future – westerly travel gains one hour of sleep every few days…what could be better? Yesterday I said that included laundry is the best thing about this cruise…and it is, but westerly travel is second best. Today is 25 hours long, I decided to spend the extra hour sleeping. Somehow on vacation (I think I wrote about this already) I sleep longer than I do at home – maybe my internal clock is confused and decided to just stay on sleep mode.

Sleeping in this morning still had me up before 8, I would have liked to have

the moon and Morocco last night

gone to the gym, but usually the 9:00 hour is the popular one there, so we decided to find a spot at the pool, for a fresh made juice and some breakfast. We try to make friends with the juice guy each sea day on a cruise…today we had ginger (always have ginger), pineapple, cucumber, and celery. I also had a cronut…these things are mythologized as something to not be missed onboard…I disagree. This is the second one I’ve had, the first one was last cruise, and I won’t be having another. If I’m going to eat fat and sugar, it better be good…and these aren’t – probably best.

headed to Canary Is.

Once we were actually able to secure a spot at the pool (as usual, the age-old struggle of people saving chairs with a hat or book and taking off is alive and well here) we spent the rest of the morning, reading, blogging, mimosa-ing, chilling, and anticipating ‘Cool by the Pool’. The highlight of each sea day for us, other than the lack of a real schedule, is ‘Cool by the Pool’ - the onboard duo or band playing for about an hour around lunch. Today was the duo – a singing piano player and his singing partner. This group is from South America and can play pretty much anything. They are pretty good, no one can hold a candle to Nature’s Rhythm Trio, 3 Filipino guys were our favourites, but sadly are no longer on these cruises.

Lunch was at the buffet place off the back of the boat, we weren’t able to get a spot outside unfortunately. As today seems to be the day to mention cruise bests, the back of the boat or in sailing terms AFT, is the best location for outside. The 3 times we were lucky enough to be in aft rooms made amazing cruises even better – these rooms are often bigger, I couldn’t care less about room size, but balcony size…yup!

day at sea sched

The afternoon was a jam-packed schedule of napping and actually making it to the gym before a pre-dinner frequent cruiser get-together and dinner with a couple of the crew. Tonight, we were supposed to eat with the ship’s purser and concierge but were stood up. Not stood up exactly, they canceled in the afternoon. We’ve never quite figured out how they decide who to pair up for dinner with crew, but on the rare occasions we’ve eaten with crew the crew is often Canadian…not always, but often. The purser who we’ve eaten with before is from Vancouver and the concierge is from Turkey. Staff is super interesting for their stories of cruising and just travel in general. Hopefully, we’ll reschedule.

evening at sea sched

The show tonight was the same comedian from a couple night’s ago with a new show. The evening finished off with a drink at the disco.

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