Sunday 10 December 2023

December 10 - Calgary to Miami, FL

Weather – leaving Calgary in the winter 1º (not terrible for mid December) and arriving in the Miami humidity was glorious, 26º at 8PM

Steps – not many - 7933, typical travel day

Other than an hour delay leaving Calgary, today was uneventful. A couple of glasses of prosecco while watching Barbie followed by a short nap and we are in Fort Lauderdale.

We are staying at the Miami Beach Hyatt Confidant hotel. This hotel was built in 1940 and is along Miami Beach’s art district…When we arrive the area is packed. It took us about 45 minutes, longer than usual 25 to get from the airport in Fort Lauderdale. According to our Uber driver, this is due to Miami’s art week that is ending tonight.

We aren’t unpacking a lot as we’re only here for 2 nights, so after a bit of freshening up time, we head out for some food…or so we thought we were heading out. We left the room, double checked that the door was locked, it wasn’t locked…it wasn’t even latching! UGH…called the front desk and they sent someone up. Eventually…about a half an hour (surprisingly fast) later we were on the go once again…that just worked up a bit of an appetite.

This is the second time recently that we’ve had hotel door issues. How on earth are we the first people to notice that the door isn’t even LATCHING!!!!! This is exactly what happened in Barcelona in the summer. The last people staying in the room didn’t notice?? The cleaning staff?? It’s mind boggling.

When we finally did get some food, we were ravenous and tired. It was 9:00 Miami time…only 7:00 Calgary time, but we were beat.

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