Saturday 29 June 2024

June 29 – AT SEA, NOT Cruising Prince Christian Sound

a bit of night
– 7º, cold, not pool or balcony weather…that is all

Steps – 5,755

Last night we actually had a bit of darkness/dusk. We’ve moved far enough south to actually have a night. We seem to talk as much about the light as we do about the weather around here.

Today we were supposed to be cruising through Prince Christian Sound, looking at the beautiful scenery. Didn't happen...too much ice. 

Despite my love of sea days, sailing in these temperatures doesn’t make for much outdoor time which is where we typically spend sea days. It seems like we have much more time in the cold than we typically do in the heat. In warm weather sea days, we usually wake up, roll out to the balcony, and let our room attendant do their business – I always feel like I need to make it easy for them to do their jobs. This cruise, I usually pop down to grab cappuccinos and a small breakfast to take back to the room, but there is absolutely no balcony time.

happy birthday BOY!

We spent the morning planning our next cruise.

Vodka hot chocolate...yum!
Actually our next, next cruise. We have been throwing around a few possibilities for a booked onboard cruise (there is a bit of a discount when you book onboard) so we finalized things after a bit of research.

A pre-lunch spritz with a bit of reading, then lunch, then shopping. I managed to use about half of our remaining onboard credit.

Boozy coffees capped off our afternoon. A nap soon followed.

Dinner tonight was at the ship’s French restaurant. We aren’t in love with this place but go for a change of pace and because we have a reservation. Dinner was good.

predinner wine
I tried calling my brother for his birthday, he must have been out partying, because he didn’t answer. I tried sitting on the balcony…despite being bundled with a champagne in hand I only lasted a few minutes. Happy birthday BOY! I'm sure you're reading this...right?!?

Stacey…comment wherever you’d like, I get all comments, messages etc. unless you send me a non-Apple text. I’m using an E-sim so I’m not using my usual phone/text number.

Lori…I had a vodka chocolate for you…good choice…YUM!

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