Saturday 28 September 2024

September 27 – AT SEA

Weather – 10º, mostly sunny, very windy

Steps – 5,800

Latitude – Calgary 51º, at sea 52º

WOW, WOW, WOW!!! We rocked and rolled all night long! It was a very bumpy ride all night and until late afternoon today. Our room this cruise is at the front of the boat, and we definitely hear and feel more of the slapping and banging when the boat comes down onto a wave.

The top wind speed I saw on the TV’s navigation info was 90Km! WOW. The


swells were also 8m or 24 feet…that’s a lot!

This made for a very noisy sleep. Our balcony door was howling again. We got it fixed again in the morning, but that didn’t help the night much. Basically, they’ve weather stripped all around our balcony door. This stops the vast majority of the sound, but as soon as we use the door, the stripping rips off, and the problem persists.

It was far too windy to be out for most of the day, so no big deal. It’ll have to be fixed better for when the weather warms and I want to be outside. The noise could also be because of the brutal wind. We didn’t hear this earlier in the cruise. We’ll see.

By the time the afternoon rolled around I was feeling a bit queasy and had a bit of a headache. However, as the seas quieted, so did my stomach.

The day unfolded as the next 4 should…eating, drinking,  blogging, reading,  gyming, BINGOing, napping…REPEAT!

Last night we gained 2 hours – ALRIGHT! We will continue to gain time until Japan. However…tomorrow we will lose an ENTIRE day! Today is Sept 27, tomorrow will be Sept 29!

Eating highlight today was tonight's dessert... mille-feuilles – a light multi layered pastry filled with cream topped with passion fruit dots, accompanied by another sauce…this time it was mango - YUM.

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