Monday 22 July 2019

pre-vacation preparations...July 22

cruise route
I am packed and ready for vacation to begin. One more sleep until Chris and I embark on our annual summer vacation. This summer is a bit different than usual, as I am not going back to full-time work in the fall, so won’t come back sulking. Another difference is that we will have travelling companions…my parents are coming with us this summer so that is different too! We will start this journey on our own with a few days in Nice, France followed by an 11-day cruise from Monte Carlo to Venice. Chris and I end our journey on our own with 4 days in Bologna, Italy.  


Rose said...

Can’t see my post on here, what’s up with that?

Rose said...

I’ll repeat! I’m thrilled to be part of this journey. So exited for Leona and Sid ! Can’t wait to hear all about it. Enjoy and get spoiled! Cheers to you all.

lisa said...

Glad your post is there now!! Glad to be 'taking you along' on this journey!